Monday, March 31, 2014

Ready for My Challenge!

Ready for My Challenge! 
Today is day 1 of my 24 Day Challenge!!!!
Words can't even describe how excited I am.  
I'm ready to treat my body right.

I start my morning off with a glass of water and then Spark:) 
Nothing out of the usual for me!
How easy is that?

After waiting 30 minutes....

I'm ready for my Citrus Fiber Drink (out of my cleanse box). 
If you wait to long, it's going to get grossly thick.
And if you can't stand the taste, before adding the mix to your water, add a touch of orange juice to distract your taste buds:)
Now drink another glass of water:)
(Don't be freaked out.  Most people say the Fiber drink is the worst part and you just have that days 1,2,3 and 8,9,10!).  

Now, I am going to drink a Meal Replacement Shake for breakfast because I normally don't eat breakfast.  Mmmmm... Chocolate Mocha:) You don't have to do this on the Cleanse! As long as you eat a good breakfast, you're solid:) 

So the goal is to keep the gunk out of your body, not put it right back in! 

With your Meal Replacement Shake, don't forget to take your 2 Omegaplex! 

10:00a.m. - It's mid-morning snack time! 

This is where you want to snack on things like nuts, fruits, veggies, hardboiled eggs, rice cakes, etc. 
REMEMBER: This is a snack.  We are trying to train ourselves out of our old habits of eating large amounts of food only a couple times a day.  Our body will be able to keep up burning calories if we eat approximately 6 smaller meals throughout the day. 
My mid-morning snack today is some almonds:) YUM!

Lunch time comes around and I am having one of these awesome choices: Salads, greens, veggies with lean protein, and complex carbs! 

I have a salad that I made (with cucumber and chicken breast!)and some blackberries! 

Now mid-afternoon is here and I'm going to be having another snack (same choices as my mid-morning snack). 

PLUS I'm going to be taking my 3 catalyst:)
I am having an apple today:)

Dinner time! Which means I'm enjoying some lean protein, veggies, and 2 Omegaplex!

For my after dinner snack, I'll munch on some fruits or veggies.

Bedtime rolls around and all I have to do is take my Herbal Cleanse Tablets (in my cleanse box). 

DON'T FORGET: You should be drinking 8oz. of water each time you have one of your meals/snacks.  

You can do this!  Just always have your snacks and meals prepared so you're not tempted to spontaneously eat something that you know you shouldn't. 

This isn't a diet:) It's training your body to eat better and as a result, you're going to feel better!

I'll continue to post my progress throughout my Challenge!  

Want to try the 24 Day Challenge? 

Comment on my blog or contact me here

Or here is a direct link to my website to create your own 24 Day Challenge!

Don't worry, I will walk you through the entire thing.  If I can do the Challenge, so can you:)

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Advocare Distributor

Become An Advocare Distributor!

Everyone is busy.
That's just how the world is today! 
So when I'm a senior in high school and busy will 4 Advance Placement classes, I don't have time for a job!
But college is coming and I need to start saving so I'm not a slave to my student loans! 

Check out this short video!

Please join my team and I will get in contact with you!
Not only will I help you to get started, but the entire team and I will help you throughout your Advocare journey! 

Monday, March 24, 2014

The Cleanse Phase

The Cleanse Phase

Some of you might already know, but the 24 Day Challenge is broken down into 2 phases:
  1. Cleanse Phase
  2. Max Phase
The Cleanse Phase is all about preparing your body to receive all the good nutrients your body needs and getting rid of all the impurities and harmful things that have accumulated over time.  

**Many people have experienced weight loss during this phase as well!**

By the way, am I the only one who loves the word "Cleanse"?  
It just sounds wonderful! 

The first part of the Cleanse Phase is the Herbal Cleanse.
This comes in Citrus or Peaches and Cream.  (I recommend Peaches and Cream).  

Advocare recommends using the Herbal Cleanse every 90 days to keep your body prepared for proper nutrient absorption.  

The next product during the Cleanse phase is my all time favorite, Spark! 

We all love feeling awake and focused, and we can do this through Spark that is sugar free and has 21 vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that our bodies need:)

The third product included in the Cleanse Phase is called OmegaPlex.
It is a high quality blend of essential Omega-3 fatty acids.
Sounds kind of gross right?
Don't worry!
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of heart, nerve, muscle, skin, bone, and immune health.  
Awesome huh?:)

This whole phase lasts only 10 days! 
How incredible is that?!

After this is complete and we are feeling great and energized, we are ready to move on to the next phase: The Max Phase! 

Want to try to the 24 Day Challenge?
Order through me here
Or you can contact me through commenting on this blog or through my website here

Want to get a 20%-40% discount?! 
Join my team and receive awesome discounts on the products you love! 

I would love to answer any questions you have about the Cleanse, 24 Day Challenge, or any products! 
Thanks for reading,
Millie <3

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Advocare Spark

Advocare Spark

Spark has to be the favorite product Advocare offers.
No matter who I talk to, it's always: "I love Spark." or  "It gives me the extra boost I need without having to drink all the coffee I used to."
The Fruit Punch flavor is a crowd favorite:) 

Check out this quick video below!!!

The pros of Spark:

    • It's awesome that Spark doesn't have any sugar, because it gives me the energy I need, but I don't hit that wall like I normally do with Monsters or coffee. 
    • It also tastes so good! The Fruit Punch is my favorite:) But there is also Pink Lemonade, Citrus, Grape, Watermelon, Cherry, Mango Strawberry, and Mandarin Orange! 
    • Many people also mix the flavors together to make their own tropical blend! (Such an awesome idea) 

    • Mainly it’s the vitamin B vitamins, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and more!
    • So compared to other energy drinks, it's winning in the healthy category;)
    • Spark doesn't just give me the energy I need right now, but it's also so nice to not have to take a nap right after school.  I drink it on my way to school every morning and I have focus throughout the entire day! 

The cons of Spark:  
  1. It can get a bit pricey.  You can buy it in two different ways: canister or pouches.  The canister is cheaper in the long run (42 servings, $51.95), but the pouches are nice to have when you're on a trip or just out and about (14 servings, $22.95). 
    • BUT: if you love Spark and will end up buying more of it, becoming a distributor is a smart way to go.  (You pay an original $79, but get $50 in products, including Spark, and then you get 20%-40% discount).  
    • If this is something that you're interested in, join my team to get awesome discounts for the products you love! 

I hope I have helped explain some of the reasons Spark is so great! 
More Questions? Leave a comment, or contact me Here.

You can order Advocare Spark Energy Drink through me:)

Thanks for reading! 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Swim Suit Season is Approaching! Let's Take the 24 Day Challenge!

It's crazy to think that in just couple months, it will be time to get our swim suits out!
Summer is approaching and I, for one, am not ready to be confident in my two piece. 
I have struggled my entire life with my weight.
I have tried all the diets out there, but I can't seem to stick with any of them.
But guess what!!!
I found something that will actually work!
Advocare's 24 Day Challenge

I'm so excited to try this! 
I think the products I am most excited about are the MNS 3 and the Herbal Cleanse
I already know that I love the Spark!
(I recommend Fruit Punch flavor)
This can be for anyone who wants to
  1. Lose weight
  2. Increase energy or
  3. Step-up your health game:)
Thousands of people have had awesome success with the 24 Day Challenge!
I'm excited to be the next one! 
You can read many success stories here

The 24 Day Challenge starts off with a 10 day cleanse. 
Who doesn't love the word "cleanse?" 
The Herbal Cleanse is designed to help eliminate waste and prepare your body for optimal nutrient absorption. 
(I recommend the Peaches and Cream flavor)
You may enjoy weight loss during the first ten days as well!
The Cleanse Phase also includes Spark, and OmegaPlex.
OmegaPlex is a high-quality blend of essential Omega-3 fatty acids for overall wellness.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of heart, nerve, muscle, skin, bone and immune health.

Then we move to the 14 day Max Phase!
We continue drinking Spark, but now we are taking a Meal Replacement Shake, which comes in chocolate, chocolate mocha, vanilla, or berry. 
With that, we are taking the MNS 3 which is a vitamin set which provides you with a foundational level of appetite control and energy.  

Please join me in the 24 Day Challenge! I would love to hear all about your success:) 
Any questions or interest in trying this awesome opportunity, you can leave me a comment, or contact me here.:)

If you're looking to look great and/or feel great, the 24 Day Challenge is a great way to get started!
Thank you so much for letting me share this with you! 
I can't wait to get my body back! 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Why I Chose Advocare

I'm Millie Cartwright and I would love to share my Advocare story with you!
I am a night owl when it comes to trying to go to sleep each night. 
I can't go to sleep until about 12:30am-1:00am every night.
But then I have to wake up at 6:30 that morning to get ready for school!
SO, I'm obviously tired. 
My mental focus in class was horrible and I couldn't stop yawning. 
I knew I had to do something.
My friend Katie actually introduced me to Advocare through Spark.
I had heard of Spark before, but only because all of the football players would drink it.
So I thought "I can't drink that. I'm not in any sport!"
But Katie explained to me that anyone could drink this! 
I started drinking Spark each morning, and my life in class was changed. 
I could focus.
I was alert.
And I could especially tell the difference if I forgot to drink my Spark in the morning.
It was back to Millie trying to stay awake all day.
So please! Try Spark, my favorite product! 
It comes in so many flavors, and you can even mix them to create your own flavors! 
Spark works by giving you an initial burst of caffeine and then the B vitamins allow your body to create it's own energy, producing long-lasting energy. 
PLUS! It's only 45 calories per serving! :) 

If you have any questions about Spark or any other Advocare products, don't hesitate to send me a message here

Want to try Spark? Order through me here or join my team and enjoy a 20% discount!