Monday, March 17, 2014

Swim Suit Season is Approaching! Let's Take the 24 Day Challenge!

It's crazy to think that in just couple months, it will be time to get our swim suits out!
Summer is approaching and I, for one, am not ready to be confident in my two piece. 
I have struggled my entire life with my weight.
I have tried all the diets out there, but I can't seem to stick with any of them.
But guess what!!!
I found something that will actually work!
Advocare's 24 Day Challenge

I'm so excited to try this! 
I think the products I am most excited about are the MNS 3 and the Herbal Cleanse
I already know that I love the Spark!
(I recommend Fruit Punch flavor)
This can be for anyone who wants to
  1. Lose weight
  2. Increase energy or
  3. Step-up your health game:)
Thousands of people have had awesome success with the 24 Day Challenge!
I'm excited to be the next one! 
You can read many success stories here

The 24 Day Challenge starts off with a 10 day cleanse. 
Who doesn't love the word "cleanse?" 
The Herbal Cleanse is designed to help eliminate waste and prepare your body for optimal nutrient absorption. 
(I recommend the Peaches and Cream flavor)
You may enjoy weight loss during the first ten days as well!
The Cleanse Phase also includes Spark, and OmegaPlex.
OmegaPlex is a high-quality blend of essential Omega-3 fatty acids for overall wellness.
Omega-3 fatty acids are essential components of heart, nerve, muscle, skin, bone and immune health.

Then we move to the 14 day Max Phase!
We continue drinking Spark, but now we are taking a Meal Replacement Shake, which comes in chocolate, chocolate mocha, vanilla, or berry. 
With that, we are taking the MNS 3 which is a vitamin set which provides you with a foundational level of appetite control and energy.  

Please join me in the 24 Day Challenge! I would love to hear all about your success:) 
Any questions or interest in trying this awesome opportunity, you can leave me a comment, or contact me here.:)

If you're looking to look great and/or feel great, the 24 Day Challenge is a great way to get started!
Thank you so much for letting me share this with you! 
I can't wait to get my body back! 

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